How to Terminate Registered Business

Closing A Business
    1. Where a business registered has been terminated, the person responsible for the business shall within thirty (30) days of the termination notify the registrar in the prescribed form (Form C). Refer to Guidelines on Termination for Business.
    2. Business may be terminated for the following reasons:
      • Cessation of the business
      • Bankrupt
      • Death of the owner
      • Pursuant to Court
    3. Order Registered business that has not expired is allowed to submit Notice for Termination of Registered Business.
    4. Submit the Notification as a result of death within four (4) months from the date of demise.
    5. For business that had expired, Confirmation Letter on expired business can be requested with payment of RM10.00.
Who To Submit Application?

The owner/all partners


No fee is required.

When result of application can be obtained?

Within 15 minutes after submission

The above is correct on 13th February 2018.

(Source: Companies Commission of Malaysia)