
Get Important License

Under Customs processes and procedures, all importation and exportation of goods are under the purview and authority of Customs. However, before Customs approve the importation of exportation, the other functionalities administered by other Government Agencies or Permit Issuing Agencies need to be processed and approved by the respective Agencies.

Different procedures apply in getting different types of permits and licenses, as illustrated in the table below.


Permit / License

Procedure to obtain Permit / License

License / Permit Issuing Body Governing Act / Regulation

Governing Act / Regulation


Import Permit

All import permit application must fullfill the following requirements:

Non quote Vehicle – CKD
1. Bill of lading (B/L)
2. Invoice/Pro-Forma Invoice/packing List/Purchase Order (PO)
3. Manufacturer License/Contract

Iron And Steel
1. A copy of invoice/ Pro-Forma Invoice/packing List/Purchase Order (PO)
2. A copy of Tax Exemption Approval Letter from Ministry Of Finance/ Letter confirming no tax exemption is Applied (if any)
3. A copy of Manufacturing License & LMW (if any)
4. Product catalogue (to first time application only)

Iron and Steel – Cable
1. A copy of invoice/ Pro-Forma Invoice/packing List/Purchase Order (PO)
2. Non obligation Letter (NOL) from Malaysian Cable Manufacturing Association(MCMA)
3. Product catalogue (to first time application only)

Iron and Steel – Long Products
1. Invoice/Sales Contract/ Purchase Order (PO)
2. Packing List/Bill of Lading (BL)/letter of Credit (LC)

Other Goods – Heavy Machinery
1. Invoice/ Pro-Forma Invoice/packing List/Purchase Order (PO)
2. Catalogue/Picture
3. Certificate of Origin
4. LPKP Permit (for prime mover only)
i. Vehicle Licence Approval letter or
ii. Application Approval Notice for Change of condition on Exchange Type of Vehicle for Carrier License Class A/C and LPKP Licence

Other Good – Two-colour photocopying machine?CD or DVD Copier machine/ Medicine Maker Machine
1. Invoice/ Pro-Forma Invoice/packing List/Purchase Order (PO)
2. Catalogue/Picture
3. Local Authority Business premises Licence
4. MITI Manufacturer Licence Additional documents for CD or DVD copier Machine Application
5. Approval letter from KDPNHEP
6. Film production and distribution License from FINAS
7. Memorandum of Agreement or exclusive rights with the recording company in country or foreign country additional documents for medicine Maker Machine Application
8. Approval letter from Pharmaceutical Services Division, Ministry of Health

Other Goods – Black and White Duplication Machine/Multi-function Printer/ Helmet/ Toner
1. Invoice/ Pro-Forma Invoice/packing List/Purchase Order (PO)
2. Catalogue/Picture

Other Goods – Plastic waste
1. Invoice/ Pro-Forma Invoice/packing List/Purchase Order (PO)
2. Catalogue/Picture
3. Approval letter from Department of Environment to execute recycling activities (for first time application only)

Other Goods – Used tyre
1. Invoice/packing List/Purchase Order (PO)
2. Manufacturer License from MIDA (for first time application only)
Other Good – Activated Clay
1. Invoice/ Pro-Forma Invoice/Sales Contract
2. Certificate of origin (for imports from ASEAN countries only)
3. Picture /Sample/ Catalogue

Other Goods – Wheat Flour
1. Invoice/ Pro-Forma Invoice/Sales Contract
2. Test report from SIRIM (imported wheat flour must comply with MS85 standards)
3. Certificate of Oath

Other Goods – Wheat Flour for Industry
1. Invoice/ Pro-Forma Invoice/Sales Contract

Other Goods – Milk
1. Invoice/ Pro-Forma Invoice/Sales Contract
2. Import permit from department of veterinary services

Ministry of International Trade & Industry (Import and Export Control Section)


Preferential Certificate of Origin

The Trade Cooperation and Industry Coordination Section issues Certificate of Origin for the following FTAs:


Free Trade Agreements



GSP:Generalized system of Preferences

Form A


ATIGA:Asean Trade in Goods Agreement

Form D


ACFTA: ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement

Form E


MJEPA:Malaysia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement



MPCEPA:Malaysia-Pakistan Closer Economic Partnership Agreement



AKTFA:ASEAN-Korea Trade Agreement

Form AK


AJCEP:ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership

Form AJ


MNZFTA:Malaysia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement

Form MNZ


AANZFTA:ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement



AIFTA:ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement

Form AI


MICECA:Malaysia-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement



MCFTA:Malaysia – Chile Free Trade Agreement



MAFTA: Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement


To obtain the Certificate of Origin, applicant will need to obtain approval of the cost Analysis(CA) as the pre-requisite requirement

Permit Application Procedure
Cost Analysis (CA)
1. All CA applications must meet the following requirements:
i. Company must be registered with the companies commission of Malaysia (SSM)
ii. Eligible products
iii. Products for export as stipulated in the list of products of the importing countries of respective schemes
iv. Each application must be completed with a copy of the following documents:
a. Invoices of raw material purchasing
b. Sample/photograph/product catalogue
c. Flowchart of production process

Certificate of origin (CO)
1. All CO application must meet the following requirements:
i. Company that is eligible to apply for Certificate of Origin need to obtain prior approval (Cost Analysis) from MITI for product eligible under the respective schemes
ii. Each form must be completed for every consignment of export
iii. Completed Form must be submiited with:
a. Sales invoice
b. Bill of lading
c. Custom declaration Form(K2)

a. An original CO issued by the first exporting country
b. Custom declaration form

Application Form of Certificate of Origin can be obtained from Federation of Malaysia Manufacturers (FMM)

Client Charter
Cost Analysis – 120 Hours
Certificate of Origin – 24 Hours

Charge Fee – No charge or fee levied for any Preferential Certificate of Origin Issuence

Ministry of International Trade & Industry (Trade Cooperation and Industry Coordination Section)

Anti-Dumping, Countervailing Act, 1993, and safeguard Act,2006


Export/transit/transhipment permits and/or broker certificates

Permit Application Procedure
The application process is divided into two phases, as follows:
1. Pre-registration; and
2. Permit application

Pre-Registration Procedure (only New exporter needs to apply)
1. Exporter submits online the pre-registration application to STS and the Licensing Agencies via
2. Application is processed bt STS/Licensing agencies
3. STS/Licensing Agencies will verify and approve/reject the application;and
4. Exporters with approved application will be given a Token (digital Signature)

Permit Application Procedure
1. Activation of Digital Signature by Exporter (only once by new exporter);Exporters submit STA permit Application (single use/Multiple Use/Bulk) online via using a Token provided.
2. STS/Licensing Agencies will review and verify the STA permit application;
3. STS/Licensing Agencies will approve / reject the STA permit application
4. Details of approved application will be sent to the Customs Information System (SMK) for validation;and
5. Approved/rejected applicants will be notified via online.Licensing Agencies= MCMC, AELB and PSD.

Charge/Fee – no charge or fee levied for any STA applications or Certificate issued

Ministry of International Trade & Industry (Strategic Trade Act Secretariat)

Strategic Trade Act 2010


Import Permit for precursor/controlled chemical substance

All permit applications must fulfil the requirement as below:
Import Application

Pseudoephedrine & Ephedrine
1. Purchase order (PO) to supplier
2. Raw materials usage record or stock balance for pharmaceuticals preparation
3. Completed the first precursor inspection for the year
4. Monthly wholesale record for pharmaceutical preparation (submitted to pharmaceutical Services Division)

Precursor & other Controlled Substance:
1. Purchase order (PO) to supplier
2. Raw material usage record (if stockpiling)

Import application for medicine making machine:
1. Manufacturer’s license from Drug Control Authority (DCA)/ No Objection letter from DCA
2. Medicine making machine import declaration Form
3. Purchase order (PO)/ Pro-Forma invoice
4. Packing list
5. Machine Specification
6. Catalogue/picture of machine
7. Purchase order(PO)/pro-forma invoice from buyer (if resells)

Export Application
Pseudoephederine & Ephedrine
1. Purchase order(PO) from buyer
2. Import permit/import approval from the authority of the importing country (if Any)

NOTE: Export permit Approval for Pseudoephedrine & Ephedrine is subjected to the approval from the authority of the importing country

Precursor &Other Controlled Substance:
1. Purchase order (PO) from buyer

Import permit – 5 working days (with inspection) and 3 working days (without inspection)
Export permit – 7 Working days

Ministry of Health (Pharmaceutical Services Division)

• Poison act 1952 & regulation
• Sale of Drug Act 1952
• Control of Drug and Cosmetic Regulations 1984
• Customs Act 1967


Food Import and export requirement

For Import requirement in Malaysia
1. The notification, declaration and clearance of imported food consignment are carried out using an on-line web system known as Food Safety Information system of Malaysia (FoSIM) which is interfaced with Malaysian Customs information System (SMK)
2. FSQD does not impose any import permit requirements for importation of foods. Imported food is subjected to approval at the entry points based on inspection upon arrival of the consignment and will be released if they are found to comply with the food Act 1983 and its regulation.
3. Several type of foods need to be accompanied with Health Certificate, Certificate of Analysis or Licence for important.updated information regarding specific import requirement can be obtain via website at or

1. Issuance of Health Certificate
Health Certificate is issued only when the food products to be exported comply with the importing country’s requirements.There are 2 sets of procedures involved in the issuance of health certificate:

i. Issuance of Health Certificate for applicant with the HACCP certification from Ministry of Health
CLIENT CHARTER: 3 days from the date of application with the complete information

ii. Issuance of Health Certificate for applicant without the HACCP Certification from Ministry of Health. Sampling and premise inspection will be carried out on the consignment and the establishment.
CLIENT CHARTER: 19 days from the date of application with the complete information


2. Issuance of Free Sales Certificate
i. Free Sales Certificate is issued when the food products to be exported comply with Malaysian Regulations and can be freely sold in this country. Application is to be made at either the District Health Officer or the State Health Department.

Ministry of Health (Food Safety & Quality Division)(FSQD)

District Health Office

Receiving complete application
District Health Office

Food Act 1983


• Haiwan 26 - Import permit for Day Old Chick (DOC), Day Old Duck (DOD) and SPF eggs.
• Haiwan 25 – Export permit for animal product and live animal,import permit for live animal.
• Haiwan 27 – Import permit for animal products / carcass.
• Haiwan 29 – Freedom Health Certificate (for animal product only)

• Applicant must be registered with the Department of Veterinary Services
• Applicant registers for e-Permit services.
• Applicant submits application online.
• Counter officer verifies the application.
• Competent Veterinary officer approves the application.
• Approved application will be transmitted electronically to the Customs System.

Department of Veterinary Services

• Animal Act 1953 (Revised 2006)
• Animal Food Act 2009.
• Section 24, Veterinary Surgeons Act 1974.


Import Permit, export License and Certificate for Crop and Plant

• Applicant shall register with the Crop Protection & Plant Quarantine Division.
• Applicant must open an account with a deposit of RM 150.00.
• Applicant must registers for the e-Permit services.
• All applications are required to be submitted online.
• An agricultural assistant or an officer will verify the application.
• An agricultural officer shall approve the application.
• Approved application will be transmitted electronically to Customs System.

Agriculture Department (Crop Protection and Plant Quarantine Division)

• Plant Quarantine Act 1976.
• Customs (Prohibition of Import / Export) 2008
• International Trade of Endangered Species Act 2008.


Registered Pesticides
1. Application for import of registered pesticide for commercial purpose is by online.
2. Applicant needs to register for e-Permit subscription.
3. Permit issuance will take five working days upon application verification.
4. The Department verifies the application online based on the following criteria:
Ensure that the details in the application is the same as the Pesticides Registration Certificate (i.e. trade name, active ingredients, percentage concentration, formulations and company name)
i. Consignor name must be same as the gazette manufacturer
ii. Consigned from must be the same as the consignor’s address
iii. Gazette date of pesticide registration must be valid that is within five years of gazette date

Unregistered Pesticides
1. Application for the important of unregistered pesticides for the purpose of research and education, or as pesticide analytical standards can be obtained from the Pesticides Board.
2. Application for import permit must be in the application form (Form A, Regulation 3)

CLIENT CHARTER: Import permit – 5 working days

Agriculture Department (Pesticides Control Division)

• Pesticides Act 1974, Section 13 (Registered Pesticides)
• Pesticides Act 1974, Section 14 (Unregistered Pesticides)


Permits for import, export and Transshipment of consignment of live fishes only.

• Applicant submits permit application through the e-Permit System.
• MAQIS Officer (Verifier) will verify the permit application.
• MAQIS Officer (Approver) will approve the permit application.
• Approved application will be sent to the Customs Information System.
• For the first application, the applicant shall obtain approval form the Department of Fisheries Malaysia to register as importer or exporter of live fish. Once approval is obtained, the applicant will need to register for the e-Permit service.

Department of Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services (MAQIS)


Permit for importation and exportation of scheduled waste under the following legislation:
• Environment Quality Act 1974
• Environment Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulation 2005
• Basel Convention On The Control Of Trans-boundary Movements Of Hazardous Waste and their Disposa
• Customs ( Prohibition Of Imports) Order 2008
• Customs (Prohibition Of Exports) Order 2012

• Borang AS 15 – For The Application of Export of Scheduled Waste
• Apply at
• Borang AS 14 – For The Application of Import of Scheduled Waste
• Apply at
• Notification Document for Transboundary Movement Shipment of Waste.
• Apply at

Department of Environment(Hazardous Substances Division)

• Environment Quality Act 1974
• Environment Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulation 2005
• Basel Convention On The Control Of Trans-boundary Movements Of Hazardous Waste and their Disposa
• Customs ( Prohibition Of Imports) Order 2008
• Customs (Prohibition Of Exports) Order 2012


Halal Certification

The following Procedures are generally the workflow for the certification process:
1. Register On-line – create ID and password.
2. Confirm account – 24 hours @ 1 day
3. Delivery of supporting documents within 5 working days after your on-line application.
4. When supporting documents are received, the application status will reflect waiting document completion.
5. If supporting documents are complete, application will be processed within 1-5 working days, according to the number of products / menus / premises. A letter of service fee charged will be issued. If supporting documents are incomplete, the status will reflect incomplete and the applicant needs to submit a correction or to provide feedback within 5 working days.
6. Processing fee (as advised in the letter issued) must be paid within 14 working days.
7. The receipt will be issued 1 day after payment is received.
8. The application status will now be charged to reflect audit processing. Audit will be conducted within 30 days upon payment.
9. Approval process will be subject to meeting the dates of Certification Panel meetings, held from time to time.
10. Upon approval the certificate will be issued within 5 working days. In the case of a non-approval, the applicant will be notified formal via mail.

Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM)

Trade Description Order ( Usage of the Term “Halal” 1975


Export License and Quota Approval for fruit/ Vegetable

• The application form can be downloaded from the website (
• Applicant must be registered for e-Permit services.
• Applicant must submit application online.
• FAMA Officer (Pem.EE) first verifies all submitted application.
• FAMA Officer (PPEE & above) approves the application.
• All application will be transmitted electronically to Customs System.

For permits – 1 hour. CHARGES
• Import Permit for Round Cabbages – RM10
• Import Permit for Coffee Beans – RM30
• Export Permit to Fruits – RM5

Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (Regulatory Division – Licensing

• Customs Act (Prohibition of Imports) 2008.
• FAMA (Licensing of Exportation of Fruits) Regulations 1990.


Permit for Construction Products

Permit Application Procedure
1. Importer must be registered with CIDB.
2. Importer is registered for the e-Permit services.
3. Importer must submit application online.
4. Desk Counter Officer verifies the application.
5. Second Level CIDB officer verifies the application.
6. Competent CIDB Officer approves the application.
7. Approved application will be transmitted to the Customs System.
Client charter:
Issuance of COA – 3 working days
1. Working Days - RM 500.00 per verification
2. Weekend Holidays - RM 700.00 per verification
Public Holidays - RM 780.00 per verification

Construction Industry Development Board

Customs (Prohibitation of imports) Order 1998 Amendments 2003,2004 & 2009

For further information, please kindly download the Guidebook on Export & Import Procedures in Malaysia published by Malaysia Productivity Corporation

Source: Guidebook on Export & Import Procedures in Malaysia, Malaysia Productivity Corporation