KUALA LUMPUR (March 10): The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Mosti) aims to commercialise 500 local research and development products, technologies, and services through the Malaysian Commercialisation Year...
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 22 — Malaysian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) need to address the environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspect in their businessmodels if they want to be...
KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) menyasarkan untuk mewujudkan lebih 5,000 syarikat pemula niaga dan lima syarikat berstatus ‘unicorn’ menjelang akhir 2025 menerusi pelaksanaan program MYStartup. Read...
PETALING JAYA: Program Semarak Niaga Keluarga Malaysia yang akan dilancarkan hari ini akan memastikan negara berada pada landasan pemulihan ekonomi yang kukuh semenjak penularan wabak Covid-19. Read more….
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 21 — The halal industry which has been identified as a strategic and high-impact sector under the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) would enhance Malaysia’s capacity and...