KUANTAN, July 21 (Bernama) — Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC) targets about 50,000 companies in the local halal industry to obtain halal certification from the Department of Islamic Development...
KUALA LUMPUR, July 4 (Bernama) — The government has developed Malaysia Digital (MD), an initiative to accelerate the growth of the nation’s digital economy,driven by three key principles —...
KUALA LUMPUR, July 4 (Bernama) — Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) has enhanced the guidelines for its eTRADE 2.0 programme toencourage more micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)...
KUALA LUMPUR: SME Corp Malaysia menyasarkan nilai jualan terkumpul untuk program Tunas Usahawan Belia Bumiputera (TUBE) meningkat antara lima hingga 10 peratus kepada lebih RM150 juta pada akhir tahun...
KANGAR, July 3 (Bernama) — Entrepreneurs are advised to be more creative in marketing their products by leveraging the use of digital platforms that aresynonymous with the latest fi...